Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Problems with Craiglist Listings

I've been having problems putting listings into Craigs List lately. I noticed the issue some time ago and it still seems to be there. Essentially, when I put a listing in, it seems to go in, and looks fine when I go to the link directly, but it never seems to show up in the index for that city. The other day I put in one for some sizable Michigan acreage back home in south central MI ( and it didn't show up. Today, I did a Water Front Condo at Devils Lake ( it's not also showing up. If anyone knows whats going on with that I'd love to hear it.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Major Acreage close to Detroit! A rarity

There's some beautiful coutryside that can can be seen from the little town that I grew up in. Rolling hills, farm land, and forest. Over the years it's been harder and harder to get tracts of any significant size, as they usually get divided up more and more and are just not available the closer you get to the Detroit area. So I was surprised to here from my mom that a large tract was available there. It's about 90 minutes from downtown Detroit. And some of the farmland is currently being leased for enough money to pay the taxes. Makes me wish I could come up with the cash for it.