Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Problems with Craiglist Listings

I've been having problems putting listings into Craigs List lately. I noticed the issue some time ago and it still seems to be there. Essentially, when I put a listing in, it seems to go in, and looks fine when I go to the link directly, but it never seems to show up in the index for that city. The other day I put in one for some sizable Michigan acreage back home in south central MI ( and it didn't show up. Today, I did a Water Front Condo at Devils Lake ( it's not also showing up. If anyone knows whats going on with that I'd love to hear it.


Unknown said...

I seem to keep having this problem with, and now with

Now I've put in a couple of classified ads for an apartment for rent:



And the pages are good but they don't appear to be showing up in those sites index.

Unknown said...

Correction. I had submitted the Backpage ad to the wrong section (For Salwe instead of for Rent). So it's still primarily a Craigs List issue